Metropolitan Council
The Metropolitan Council is the regional policy-making body, planning agency, and provider of essential services for the Twin Cities metropolitan region. Our mission is to foster efficient and economic growth for a prosperous region.
2024 Ownership and Rent Affordability Limits - Metropolitan Council
The Met Council's 2040 Housing Policy Plan defines affordable housing as housing that is affordable to low- and moderate-income families. The limits are based on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) area median income (AMI) calculations.
Met Council Employment - Metropolitan Council
Oct 17, 2024 · At the Met Council, your work matters. Our employees drive the buses, plan the parks, support development, treat wastewater, and plan for future growth — all services that help the Twin Cities and its residents thrive.
Interceptor Conveyance - Metropolitan Council
The Met Council interceptor system conveys the wastewater flows to one of nine regional wastewater treatment plants. The interceptor sewers range in size up to 14 feet in diameter. Our regional wastewater conveyance system is comprised of over 650 miles of pipelines, 60 lift stations, 24 rain gauges, and over 220 metering sites.
Council Members & Districts - Metropolitan Council
Jul 3, 2023 · The 17-member Metropolitan Council has 16 members who each represent a geographic Council district and one chair who serves at large. The Minnesota Legislature completed the statutory requirement to redraw Metropolitan Council districts as part of the 2023 legislative session.
News & Events - Metropolitan Council
The Met Council has awarded $3 million in Livable Communities grants to cities to help create 46 new affordable homeownership opportunities in eight cities in the Twin Cities metro region.
Imagine 2050 - Metropolitan Council
Imagine 2050 is the regional development guide created by the Metropolitan Council with input from technical experts, local officials, advocates, and residents across the seven-county Twin Cities region. Imagine 2050 includes a vision and goals and addresses critical issues that cross policy areas: climate, equity, natural systems, public ...
Data and Maps - Metropolitan Council
Access key information about the Twin Cities region or any city, county or township. Interact with data or browse research products on regional trends. Explore and download Met Council data and selected U.S. Census data.
What We Do - Metropolitan Council
Our governing body — the 17-member Metropolitan Council — plays a key convening role, bringing together communities to develop policies and a shared vision and direction for the region. Advisory committees on land use, transportation and other topics provide the Met Council with important assistance and advice.
Thrive MSP 2040 - Metropolitan Council
May 28, 2014 · Thrive MSP 2040 was adopted by the Met Council on May 28, 2014. See the Thrive MSP 2040 documents. Thrive MSP 2040 addresses issues that transcend any one neighborhood, city, or county, as we build and maintain a thriving metropolitan region.