OnePlus 13 has been launched in India at ₹69,999, while iPhone 16 starts at ₹79,990. Both offer flagship specs under ₹80,000.
For those interested in the iPhone 16 (128GB), it is now available for Rs 69,999, a significant reduction from its original ...
The iPhone 16, released in 2025, brings several advancements to the table when compared to its predecessor, the iPhone 13, ...
It was Apple's largest-ever annual sales decline in China and involved contraction in all four quarters, including a 25 per ...
According to popular analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, the iPhone 17 is going to be the thinnest iPhone yet, potentially coming in at ...
The iPhone 16 Plus is available at a discounted price of Rs 79,999 on Flipkart Monumental Sale 2025. Check deal details.