DOWN but not out’ was the defiant message in the dressing room after Tyrone slayed the Dubs in Omagh but were still relegated ...
After four weeks of heartbreaking testimony about the victims and from the survivors of the 1998 Omagh bombing, the final thing to be raised last week came under the banal heading of "Housekeeping".
A decision by the Irish Government not to hold a parallel public inquiry into the 1998 Omagh bombing will be kept under review, the Minister for Justice has said. Speaking during a visit to ...
The Irish Government should start its own public inquiry into the Omagh bombing, according to a motion passed by the Northern Ireland Assembly. Dublin has said it will fully co-operate with the UK ...
The Irish government expects to agree a memorandum of understanding with the Omagh Bombing Inquiry in the coming weeks, Minister for Justice Jim O’Callaghan has said. The probe is examining ...
The Irish Government should start its own public inquiry into the Omagh bombing, according to a motion passed by the Northern Ireland Assembly. Dublin has said it will fully co-operate with the UK ...
It does not necessarily reflect the view of The Herald. The Irish government expects to agree a memorandum of understanding with the Omagh Bombing Inquiry in the coming weeks, Minister for Justice ...
The PSNI has confirmed it is investigating a violent attack on a schoolgirl in Omagh, which it believes was ‘racially motivated’. The assault, which took place at the bus depot on Drumragh ...