Royalties are all but gone and the biz of drawing comics rarely pays minimum wage even from marvel and DC. Any of the smaller ... to wear even more hats!" And Rob Liefeld added his own take ...
Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld believes Marvel Studios head Kevin ... Take a look. ALSO READ: DC Planning Marvel-Type Endgame?
Even with that change, DC editorial deemed Nightcrawler too weird ... Harris suggested that writer Louise Simonson and artist Rob Liefeld come up with a new leader, someone very different to ...
Stan waiting to start a long signing Producers Launching Kickstarter to Help Raise Funds to Finish Groundbreaking Film I knew that ...
That statement may have come in 1986’s Daredevil #233, but it captures the ethos of the hero who said it, Captain America. From his origins as a masked crimefighter on military bases in 1941 to the ...
Liefeld has always been actively engaged with at least monitoring the Marvel Cinematic Universe from afar, and when he saw that Brave New World had taken a beating in its second weekend, he called ...
Deadpool co-creator Rob Liefeld recently cut ties with Marvel following a series of alleged transgressions. Among them was the fact he didn't get an invite to the afterparty at Deadpool ...
One man who believes it's time for Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige to step away and give someone else a chance to steer the ship is Deadpool co-creator Rob Liefeld. Liefeld recently announced ...
Captain America: Brave New World suffered a 68% drop at the box office in its 2nd weekend. Rob Liefeld publicly called for Kevin Feige to step down as head of Marvel Studios. Liefeld claims Feige ...
Rob Liefeld, co-creator of Deadpool, recently made a shocking comment about getting the President of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige fired. He criticized the Marvel boss over the lackluster ...