Widely respected, he served as NIH acting director for two years under President Joe Biden. At 10 a.m. on Jan. 24, Tabak ...
Like the nearby EPA, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences fired a number of early-career “probationary” ...
BETHESDA, Md. -- People will suffer and die if NIH funding is cut, speakers said Saturday at a rally here in front of the NIH ...
More than a thousand people attended a rally in front of the National Institutes of Health campus in support of fired NIH ...
The NIH is best known for funding a broad spectrum of research science at universities with approximately $40 billion in ...
Most of the NIH funding went to Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill's medical schools. For instance, the Duke University School of ...
a revamped intramural research campus could enhance the impact of research conducted across the country. While reinventing the peer review process, restructuring NIH’s institutional architecture ...