THE GLOUCESTER Invented by Jack Powell 3/5 King George IV Whisky. 1/5 Drambuie. 1/5 Orange Juice. Shake and serve with a cherry. Morgan Freeman delivers touching tribute to Gene Hackman at the ...
SINGAPORE – Behind the sleek shoji doors of izakaya-inspired cocktail bar Moga are two new faces. Helming the kitchen is Cut by Wolfgang Puck alum Leon Quek, while seasoned bartender Gavin ...
MAKE your way to Akiyoshi in Automall along Karpal Singh Drive, Penang, when craving lip-smacking Japanese flavours and some drinks. This cosy modern izakaya or gastropub offers everything from ...
Taking your shoes off is also the norm when visiting traditional Japanese buildings or restaurants with tatami reed or classical/preserved wooden flooring, and some offices in Japan ask employees to ...
Rose cocktails and mocktails add a romantic touch to Valentine ... Rose Petals (Fresh or Dried) – Used for garnish or infused into syrups and spirits. Ensure they are edible and organic. Rose Liqueur ...