Evidence of one of the smallest - and perhaps unluckiest - early human relatives has been found in South Africa, according to ...
Early human evolution may have been more complex than scientists previously thought, with modern humans evolving from two ...
The discovery of a human facial fragment aged over one million years represents the oldest known face in western Europe and confirms the region was inhabited by two species of human during the early ...
The newly discovered bone tools, which consist of 27 deliberately split and chipped large mammal long bones, were recovered ...
The left hip and leg bones from a young female Paranthropus robustus discovered in South Africa show she was extremely short ...
Modern humans descended from not one, but at least two ancestral populations that drifted apart and later reconnected, long before modern humans spread across the globe.
The research team at the Atapuerca archaeological sites in Burgos, Spain, has just broken its own record by discovering, for ...