Age of Empires 4 DLC Knights of Cross and Rose brings the Knights Templar and House of Lancaster to the RTS game in new ...
Sid Meier’s “Civilization” series is a set of games that has managed to withstand the test of time. Each new entry brings something new to the table, but the core of the game has remained mostly the ...
The Dawn of Civilization mod for Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword, based on the popular Rhye's and Fall of Civilization mod.
Available for less than $7 when bought alongside other Capcom hits like Devil May Cry 5, Onimusha Warlords, and Street Fighter, forget what you’ve heard and drop all assumptions – Resident ...
Ian Walker loves exploring niche communities and researching the development of classic video games. Toshiro Mifune died of multiple organ failure in 1997 at the age of 77, but the impenetrable ...
Power unchecked is power lost, and in Civilization VII ... A strong leader when given time, but the fastest warlords won’t give him that luxury. Tecumseh turns city-state alliances and colonies ...
Civilization made its debut in 1991, and while it was far from the first strategy game on the market, it was a pioneer of the 4X genre. Each Civilization entry since the franchise's debut has ...
After almost a decade of adventures within Civilization 6, fans of the franchise are gearing up for the release of the hotly-anticipated Sid Meier's Civilization 7. Just like with every entry ...
No more sabotaging Wonder production, spy networks, or—Civ 4, how I miss thee—feeling like you're running your own MI5-style spy agency. Credit: Firaxis Games Religions and governments have ...