It’s week two of Lent and Portillo’s has options for meatless Friday. Friday is also Pi Day, or pie day, and Blaze Pizza has ...
BATAVIA — A Mardi Gras luncheon will be conducted Sunday at the First Presbyterian Church of Batavia. The luncheon will take place 10 a.m. at the church on 300 East Main St. It will celebrate ...
And though ingredients and toppings vary widely from one salad to another, the base ingredient they all have in common is some form of lettuce. Here's which types of lettuce are most popular ...
The shape of an arugula leaf is similar to oakleaf lettuce, with rounded edges that undulate from broad to slight. Baby arugula, which is typically shorter than an index finger, is more widely ...
WARSAW — A Batavia man was jailed after he allegedly fought with village police and tried to take a gun after police responded to a call for a “combative” patient Tuesday night at Wyoming ...
By the time she was ready to toss the kit together and dive in, she noticed the edges of the lettuce were turning an unexpected hue: pink. She asked around, “Is it safe to eat pink lettuce?” ...
2:18 Buy local push boosts sales at Okanagan farm A large, indoor lettuce-growing operation in the South Okanagan has experienced a sudden boom in business. “Our sales have doubled and tripled ...
Bagged lettuce could pose a health risk if consumers don't take one crucial step before eating. Dr Isabel Viña has reignited the debate about the safety of bagged lettuce and salad due to ...