When you feel like giving up, you must keep going. Only by continuing, when most others won’t, will you achieve your goals. Don’t join the ranks of those who have given up just around the corner from ...
Five recipients, one from each Supervisorial District, will be recognized by the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors in ...
Even though many vehicles are built to have increased longevity, it often is up to the driver to do his or her part to ensure ...
People diversify their diets in different ways to facilitate weight loss. However, they may be inadvertently foiling their ...
Oakdale city officials and community members gathered this past week to mark the groundbreaking of the Southwest Downtown ...
Founding father and first U.S. president George Washington was a man with many hobbies, including dog breeding.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that 20 percent of children between the ages of five and 11 have at ...
The Central Valley is the fruit and nut basket of the world, producing 25 percent of the nation’s food, and Stockton was once ...
Oakdale was well represented as 12 wrestlers placed in the top eight in their respective weight classes, qualifying to move ...
Older age may make a person wiser, but the risk for various health issues and certain diseases increases with age. Routine ...
Through a unique partnership with the Pipkin Detective Agency, a California-based Private Detective Agency specializing in ...
Austin, Texas is the best state capital overall, in part because it has the highest median household income after adjusting ...