Do you want to learn about our Affinity Mortgage lending program and how it might benefit you? A representative from our Housing Information and Referral Service will provide an overview. And most ...
Please join us next Friday, March 7, at 12 pm for a Geochemistry Seminar by LDEO alum Dr. Rik Wanninkhof (Ph.D. '86), a senior scientist at NOAA and Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological ...
This is the Fall’20 course homepage for EEOR E4650: Convex Optimization for Electrical Engineering. Note: The official name for the course is “Convex optimization for electrical engineering”. However, ...
This set consists of 5 pencil drawings on tracing paper, 4 blueprints with crayon markings on paper, 3 ink drawings on cloth with pencil markings and also with watercolor wash applied to the verso, 2 ...
April 2017: TED Radio Hour: What Makes A Scientist Take A Stand?. February 2012: Why I Must Speak Out About Climate Change: Presentation given at TED 2012 on Feb. 29 at Long Beach.
This set consists of 46 pencil drawings on tracing paper, 7 pencil and ink drawings on tracing paper, 2 pencil drawings with crayon markings on tracing paper, 1 blueprint with crayon markings on paper ...
What is "Simon"? A very simple model, mechanical brain — the smallest complete mechanical brain in existence. The machine was conceived by Edmund C. Berkeley, president of E.C. Berkeley and Associates ...
Isla R. Simpson and 16 co-authors (including L.M. Polvani): The path toward vertical grid options for the Community Atmosphere Model version 7: The impact of vertical resolution on the QBO and ...
Contact this office for all general inquiries.
Please join the Center for Constitutional Governance, École Polytechnique, Sciences Po, and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University for a virtual seminar series entitled Rewriting the French and US ...
Featuring: Richard Katz, Editor, Japan Economy Watch; Special Correspondent, Toyo Keizai Inc. Moderator: Takatoshi Ito, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University; ...
These hands-on, online sessions are brief kickstarts to moving you from a security mindset ("EVERYONE IS OUT TO GET ME") to a privacy mindset ("I have a right to privacy for myself and my personal ...