Gen Z’s obsession with ‘retro’ tech takes a turn toward home decor. Retro tech is having an undeniable moment. We’ve seen the ...
Apple no longer sells the iPod classic, iPod nano, and iPod shuffle, but we can still take a look through the iPod's full ...
A truly astounding collection of fashion designer-owned iPods, including a few bespoke models, has surfaced at auction.
The 6th Generation iPod Nano was something of a revelation on launch. Packing a color screen, audio hardware, and a rechargable battery into a package no bigger than a large postage stamp remains ...
This build comes to us from [Hugo] who made the painstaking effort of removing the old NAND flash storage chip from an iPod Nano by hand, soldering 0.15mm enameled magnet wire to an 0.5mm pitch ...
Learn more Apple hasn’t sold an iPod in years. In 2017, it stopped selling the iPod Nano and Shuffle. The iPod Touch, the last of its dedicated portable music players, was officially discontinued in ...
“1,000 songs in your pocket … impossibly small” was used to introduce the iPod nano, as Steve Jobs pulled it out of the small hip pocket of his jeans: The new player included a color display and ...
It costs roughly as much as an iPod Nano. And promises to fill a void that Apple's music player left behind, too.