Set in Syracuse, New York, in the mid ‘90s, Carmen Emmi’s debut feature revolves around a young cop assigned to a sting operation that forces him to confront his sexuality.
Directed by Cristina Costantini, the film features archival footage of the late astronaut and interviews with her family and colleagues, as well as narration by her partner of 27 years, Tam ...
And just what do those people tend to watch? In particular, what is the most popular movie on Netflix? Each week, the streaming service releases a list of its 10 most-watched movies over a recent ...
Octavio Pisano has wrapped production on his feature directorial debut 'Wet Under Blue Sky,' a drama in which he also stars.
True crime is one of the most popular genres in the world. Netflix is home to many of the most interesting. Let’s take a look at 10 must-watch true crime series you can stream now!