Is there anything sadder than seeing a unicorn die? These majestic (imaginary) beasts represent the original endangered ...
In Alex Scharfman’s directorial debut, unicorns are dinosaur-huge monsters with “Jaws”-like teeth that spear and disembowel humans with their horns and smash heads like softened pats of butter with ...
Gone are the elegant white horses you might have doodled as a child, replaced here by chunky, Clydesdale-shaped monsters with sharp teeth ... Elliot Kintner (Paul Rudd), striking a unicorn ...
Jones handed Rockwell a script for "Moon" nine months later and it's easy to see why the actor signed up. He would go on to ...
Rockwell didn't want to play the role Jones had in mind for him but was open to working with a first-time movie director who'd cut his teeth on commercials ... and Paul Rudd in 2018.
Live" celebrated 50 years on the air with a massive three-hour special episode. Follow along for live updates from the red ...
A new national campaign aimed at improving the oral health of children has been launched, encouraging young children to brush ...