Accepting 15 Palestinian freedom fighters into Malaysia is part of the country’s efforts to support peace in Gaza, ...
As Israeli and American administrations enforce the one-state solution, Palestinians' hope to have a free Palestine is tested ...
I described the horrors afflicting my homeland, made a plea for Palestinian independence, and decried the extremism of the ...
PALESTINIAN Ambassador to Manila Mounir Anastas sees no end in the war in Gaza unless the international community drops its ...
A Palestinian evangelical Christian leader had earlier spoken, calling the movement ‘a heretical replacement theology that ...
Named after a longtime Jewish lawmaker who championed peace, the Nita M. Lowey Middle East Partnership for Peace Act had ...
President Donald Trump is finding out that campaign trail bravura over peace deals can’t yield quick wins as wars rage.
University of Michigan Provost Laurie McCauley is the latest UM leader to see her home vandalized as the school resists ...
A cease-fire between Hamas and Israel allowed many Gaza residents to return to their devastated homeland. But now many are ...
Ben & Jerry’s alleged its CEO was removed by Unilever without their approval over the ice cream maker's political posts.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Information Nabil Abu Rudeineh said the US retreat is an "encouraging step" and in the ...