Raul Bravo, president and founder of Outsight, discusses the future of passenger journey intelligence in airports. The ...
Dr Kashif Naseer Qureshi discusses some of the top cybersecurity concerns of IoT, IoE and smart city networks.
Nokia announced the expansion of its industrial application ecosystem with the launch of six new Industry 4.0 applications ...
OpenAI integrates free image generation into GPT-4o, creating context-aware visuals with text capabilities for all users.
For years, the tech industry has been obsessed with the next ‘big thing’. Blockchain, AI voice assistants, the metaverse – ...
stories per week, ready-to-publish or customizable. Launched in 2007, Brazil Photo Press quickly became one of the most important independent photojournalist agencies in Brazil. The agency offers ...
CrateDB is a distributed and scalable SQL database for storing and analyzing massive amounts of data in near real-time, even with complex queries. It is PostgreSQL-compatible, and based on Lucene. A ...
Object detection module is the publish node while the other two are subscriber nodes. To run the LIDAR distance estimation Subscribe module: The idea is to use a battery-powered Pi connected with ...