ALTHOUGH mathematics as a subject is a discipline of science, it can, however, fit every sphere of human existence.This was made ...
Dating to the year 700 CE, the Afghan Liturgical Quire is on view at the Jewish Theological Seminary Library's exhibit, "Sacred Words: Revealing the Earliest Hebrew Book." ...
Anselm Kiefer’s “Breaking of the Vessels,” weighing more than seven tons, is one of the artist’s many manic dissections of ...
Patinkin’s latest tour, Being Alive, isn’t just a concert, but a living, breathing thing, moulded by the room, the energy and ...
Nevertheless, Abrams and her family, like so many who were displaced and devastated by their losses, are glad to be alive, and a number of them are crafting paths forward in a deeply Jewish way: ...
The word kavod – dignity or honor – appears sixteen times, but in fourteen (2x7) of these cases the reference is to the glory of G-d.
The Webb home is adorned in numerous ceramic-tile patterns and depictions, including works inspired by Picasso and Matisse.
An exhibit at the Jewish Museum shows how the example of Esther inspired artists, artisans and even royalty in the 17th ...
On March 12, I attended the opening of the post-baccalaureate art exhibition in Dreitzer Gallery. This exhibition features four incredible artists. I was lucky enough to chat with them about their ...
In later centuries, Makkah came to be revered as the centre of the world (if not the universe), as illustrated in the ...
Like Jonah, we are called to let God work through us. Though Jonah initially resisted his mission, he ultimately embraced his ...
A state legislator sent University of North Texas leaders a letter on Sunday requesting the removal of an art exhibit in the ...