Flowering in late spring or during the early summer months, peonies are a great way to add a dramatic touch to your garden.
Peonies should be fertilized in early spring and again at the end of the season.Bone meal, balanced fertilizer, and mushroom ...
When well cared for, herbaceous peony plants will put on a colorful show in your garden for years. Here are some common ...
I really love peonies; they are a true favourite of mine. They mainly flower from May into June with a dazzling floral display.
As the UK sees more of the sun and more milder temperatures, our attentions turn to the garden - and to the endless jobs you ...
As the UK welcomes spring, gardeners across the country are preparing for a summer filled with colour. But to ensure your ...
Martha Stewart’s new book, Martha Stewart’s Gardening Handbook, details her 50+ years of useful tips and tricks for new and ...
As in years past, the event is a marvel, a visual and horticultural feast for both body and soul, a celebration of one of the ...
Century Park in Pudong, with plum blossom culture at its core, features five plum garden scenic spots, creating a grand area ...
If you’re thinking of gifting a loved one orchids this Mother's Day, you’ll be pleased to know they are safe to be around ...
When Seth's father passed away, the family farm shrank from 2,000 to 300 acres. And upon his return home after college, Seth ...
Thrift stores can be an organizer's dream if only you know what to look for. Here are 12 things experts buy second-hand for ...