Texans who fall behind on their property taxes face one of the most punitive systems in the nation, where private collection ...
The Texas universities are among dozens accused of violating the law by partnering with a group that had sought to increase ...
The government on Wednesday pre-announced the revision of tax laws aimed at replacing the decades-old estate tax system with an inheritance tax to ease tax burdens on beneficiaries, the finance ...
A new property tax law could change how some school districts are able to handle capital projects and even curriculum, two ...
What it does: The bill creates a bipartisan group that would explore how Illinois counties could effectively secede from ...
The New Orleans City Council is looking to end the city’s practice of charging the school district millions of dollars in fees when it collects property taxes for schools.
Gov. Rhoden, surrounded by those supporting a property tax cap, signed SB 216 into law in the Capitol Rotunda.
Louisiana no longer has inheritance taxes and laws. Act 822 of the 2008 Regular Legislative Session repealed the inheritance ...
A bill that allows certain school systems to “give money back to the taxpayers,” according to state Sen. Sam Watson, is on its way to the Georgia House of Representatives after passing the Georgia ...
By: Whitney Downard Indiana Capital Chronicle For The Republic INDIANAPOLIS — Hundreds of irate property owners gathered at ...
Philadelphia has effectively exempted companies that make less than $100,000 from business in the city from paying the ...