The return of Seven Days earlier this week allows us to close the book on the stopgap that was Winter Watch. Before you know ...
Au cours d'une récente masterclass, le réalisateur John McTiernan est revenu sur le tournage d'"A la poursuite d'Octobre rouge" et partagé une anecdote sur son acteur Sean Connery.
Rogue Heroes est un RPG allant jusqu'à quatre joueurs, reprenant les codes des jeux d'action et des roguelike. Le joueur peut aussi bien enchaîner les donjons que construire son village ou juste pêche ...
Le 6 février dernier sortait un certain Big Helmet Heroes, par Exalted Studio. Il ne s’agit pas à proprement parler de leur ...
But there's something so fun about being a hero, too. Especially someone like Nate, who is more complicated than your average nervous action hero. The movie's so violent, I need to make him this ...
With that kind of legacy to his name, it would be easy for the casual, non-comics savvy individual to assume that Martian ...
Daredevil: Born Again has already established itself as a cornerstone of Marvel’s street-level universe. The first three ...
The premise of the team wound up being arguably the most fluid in superhero comics, with different incarnations of the team being groups of anti-heroes like in the film, barely leashed ...
Hasbro Inc : * NAZARA TECHNOLOGIES LTD - HASBRO AND KIDDOPIA PARTNER Source textuelle : Plus d'informations sur les entreprises : ...
Throughout the year, IndieWire runs a survey for cinematographers with films playing at major festivals around the world to ...