Raising taxes on main street businesses in high tax states will hurt job creators and may pave the road to a recession in the ...
FTA launched a new SMS campaign in collaboration with the UAE’s two main telecommunications companies through which a message ...
The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has intensified its awareness efforts to raise awareness of the need for natural persons who are subject to corporate tax to submit their corporate tax registration ...
Critics argue the proposed tax cuts disproportionately benefit the wealthiest Missourians and put the state budget at risk.
Learn the step-by-step process for filing corporate income tax in the Philippines and ensure compliance for your foreign ...
New Jersey applies a graduated corporation business tax (CBT) on corporations, with rates that vary based on income. Recent ...
When it comes to saving you money at the grocery store, both Tennessee Republicans and Democrats have a plan to get rid of ...
As Congress prepares to begin work on the tax bill, they should ignore any call to increase the corporate tax rate to raise more revenue. While Congressional Republicans recognize the many benefits of ...
K reports of America’s largest pharmaceutical companies show that they continue to avoid paying much, if any, U.S. corporate income tax.
Businesses that still fail to meet deadline will invite administrative penalties There will be no admin penalties during the grace period provided to update tax records. But that will end soon ...