Take T’s quiz to figure out your perfume personality, with tips and fragrance recommendations from the experts. By Katherine Bernard Katherine Bernard is a journalist and screenwriter whose ...
Vyrao, the luxury fragrance brand brought to you by industry veteran Yasmin Sewell, draws its name from the concept of growth and vitality, offering scents that channel holistic wellness.
Enter: pheromone perfume. First, let me explain what the heck pheromones are. “Pheromones are a form of biological, nonverbal communication,” says board-certified dermatologist Karan Lal ...
2024 was no doubt the year of fragrance. #PerfumeTok garnered billions of views. Dozens of new brands hit shelves (Noyz, Tsu Lange Yore, 5Sens) and many made triumphant returns after years away ...
We may earn an affiliate commission from links. Calling all fragrance lovers—have you added hair perfume to your shelf of favorite scents? I’d argue that aside from reformulated classics ...
Eilish’s fourth fragrance, Your Turn eau de parfum, has now made its debut, featuring a robust blend of ginger, peach skin, and Australian sandalwood notes. Like each of Eilish’s perfumes ...
Ajanta Pharma is a specialty pharmaceutical formulation company primarily with a well-diversified Branded Generics business spread across India, the Rest of Asia, and Africa. The Company is ...
Jordan Samuel Skin Founder and CEO Jordan Samuel Pacitti shares the ups, downs and main lessons from his recent journey into the category.
CBSE Class 12th Sample Papers 2025: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has made available all subject sample papers officially along with solutions for academic year 2024-25 ...