A senior at Merion Mercy, Abby Habteslase is a leader of the school ... Q: Who is your favorite author and why? A: My favorite author is Te-Ping Chen because of her ability to convey a myriad ...
First, we all move along a continuum from inspiring to infuriating that is made up of three universal factors: visionary ...
He seemed excited about it and later told me again that he’d been using it. Abby, this week, my dad gave the flashlight back to me as a gift. Not only that, he went on and on about how ...
DEAR ABBY: I’m fortunate that most of my neighbors are kind and considerate. We’ve all enjoyed sharing each other’s celebrations. However, there’s one family among the five households that ...
DEAR ABBY: I am an adult child of an alcoholic. My mother is a mean drunk. While growing up, I had to act as her therapist and deal with her co-dependency. I have been lucky to have processed a ...
DEAR ABBY: My friend “Cindra” has two children. Both are homeschooled and not able to do many things on their own. Cindra and I have very different views and philosophies on raising children.
CNN host Abby Phillip and pundit Scott Jennings got ... Trump has been dealt a series of setbacks in the courts in the early weeks of his second term, with Democrats increasingly sounding the ...
Dear Abby: My wife and I have been happily married for 15 years. My mother-in-law, “Pat,” a widow since 1997, has lived with us for the last 14 years. She lived alone in her own apartment when ...
Feb. 10—VALLEY CITY, N.D. — Howard product Abby Aslesen was recognized as the North Star Athletic Association's women's basketball offensive player of the week on Jan. 27. Aslesen earned the ...