More landlords are investing in HMOs as higher mortgage costs prompt them to turn to larger properties with better returns.
Licences are set to cost £955 for the five-year scheme, which was approved after the council reported that voluntary ...
A new “crackdown on bad landlords” has been introduced by a London council. It will see the council launching a new HMO licensing scheme for landlords, which it says will help “maintain high property ...
The Renters Rights Bill has moved a step closer to Royal Ascent. The Lords will scrutinize the detail of the bill and agree ...
The NRLA is hosting free "On Tour" events across England and Wales, offering expert advice on upcoming legislation. The first ...
Private tenants are paying £2,195 more on their annual housing costs than in 2022, according to Savills’ latest research.
A portfolio landlord has taken on a huge loan to consolidate 22 properties across London and Birmingham. The borrower, a ...
Liberal Democrat MP Sarah Dyke has called for WASPI women to be fairly compensated after one of her constituents was evicted.
Labour MP Tom Hayes has launched a survey to quiz tenants and landlords in his Bournemouth East constituency, in a bid to fix ...
A reduced supply of luxury rental homes in London is feeding into higher rents, which are now a third higher than before the ...
More companies are registered to hold buy-to-let property than for any other type of business as investors seek to reduce ...
Landlord Action is celebrating 25 years of successfully helping private landlords recover their properties. The firm set out ...