CDT tonight, Jared Taylor of American Renaissance will be speaking at Colorado Mesa University. Tune in here for the realism and the REEEEEEEEEEEE that are sure to follow!
The Xenophile Occupation Government (XOG) which like all Leftists things arises from the group settling on the lowest common denominator, namely its need to scapegoat and resent reality for not being ...
Individualists span all political parties, institutions, and social groups which means the philosophy of crowdism it creates ...
This begins by recognizing that much like 1968, our society and government were effectively overthrown during the Obama years ...
Daylight Savings Time made its way back into the news again. No one finds themselves really surprised because DST proves ...
The Xenophile Occupation Government (XOG) has outsourced its censorship to an industry comprised of otherwise unexceptional ...
Laws like the Patriot Act recognized that the future of law enforcement will have two aspects: first, it will track everyone through electronic signals and facial recognition, and second, it will ...
We are in the midst of the Big Flip: everything that we trusted about the post-WW2 order has turned out to become not just oppressive but destined to take us to third world levels of failure, and ...
Republicans made themselves into “Christian libertarians” in order to get along with Leftists, effectively producing the groundwork for the uniparty. As part of this gesture, they praise ...
A realist sees the foundation of reality as rooted in the principles of our understanding of the natural world: physics, biology, economics, mathematics, and the raw data provided by the patterns ...
Out of Europe
“Out of Africa” has some plausible ideas, namely that Homo erectus advanced and went into colder climates and became Homo heidelbergensis, which led linearly to modern humanity. However, that requires ...
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