Owning a home likely qualifies you for a number of significant tax breaks, and even more if you happen to also work out of ...
A new proposal in the state Legislature would create Broadband Opportunity Areas to help bring broadband internet to areas of ...
Luzerne County Council plans to vote at Tuesday’s meeting on a 10-year property tax break for a development plan to build a ...
Senator Brent Taylor (R-Memphis) introduced legislation that would create a commercial development board to authorize more ...
Georgia lawmakers are approving tax breaks for farmers and timber owners harmed by Hurricane Helene that could be worth nearly $300 million ...
Airtomic, a division of Sargent Aerospace & Defense and RBC Bearings Inc., is requesting a tax break to facilitate an ...
In the November election, Florida voters passed Amendment No. 5, which adds an inflation adjustment to the Sunshine State’s ...
Our plan is to clean it up and honor the historic nature of the building any way we can,” said Trenton Gerads with Cass Clay ...