But what if you’re using floss that contains harmful chemicals and carcinogens? Sadly, it’s more common than you’d hope. PFAS are found in everyday objects and household items, and they can have a big ...
Given the widespread contamination, persistence, and environmental impacts associated with the use of aqueous film forming foams (AFFF) containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), there is ...
From the bloodstreams of office workers in the world’s most developed countries to the organs of Amazonian hunter-gatherers, ...
You may use PFAS-free dental floss to protect against these harmful chemicals. PFAS are a common class of chemicals that may increase the risk of infertility, cancer, and thyroid disease.
Gore also announced it had developed a new durable PFAS-free waterproof treatment. But Gore does not disclose to consumers that only its line of next-generation products will be made in this ...
Packaging specialist Yutoeco has introduced FluoZero, a PFAS-free greaseproof technology specifically designed for molded fibre food packaging. While demand for PFAS-free greaseproof packaging ...
Burnaby, B.C.-based Mustang Survival, which designs safety gear for both land and sea, said it will first eliminate PFAS from ...