How many times have we heard the phrase that the Omagh bombing claimed the lives of 29 people, including a woman pregnant with twins, in the 27 years since that horrific atrocity? Yet the inquiry ...
"We told him: 'No, no, this could be very, very important both to show people what happened and also for evidence for the police'." He said that is the footage you see now of the Omagh atrocity.
both to show people what happened and also for the evidence for the police'. "So that's the footage that you see now of the Omagh atrocity." Later Rodney Patterson described being caught in the blast.
A part time fire officer has told the Omagh bomb inquiry when he arrived at the scene of the atrocity it was like something from the Vietnam war, it was a "horror show," he said. At the time Paddy ...
He had gone to Omagh town centre with his friends David and Pauline because there was to be a break-dancing show later that day. He told the inquiry how a bomb alert had resulted in police moving ...