The bomb killed 29 people, including a woman who was pregnant with twins, in the worst single atrocity in the Troubles in ...
Irish Minister for Justice Jim O’Callaghan said drafts have been exchanged between his department and the inquiry.
The Omagh Bombing Inquiry remembers Debra-Anne Cartwright, 20, Geraldine Breslin 43, and Gareth Conway, 18.
Rodney Patterson was in Omagh town centre when the bomb went off in August 1998 A man who survived the Omagh bomb said the attack changed his life forever. Rodney Patterson had travelled to the ...
One of the first firefighters to respond to the Omagh bombing said he has never witnessed anything in three decades which comes close to the scenes of devastation on the day. Paddy Quinn told the ...
The bomb that devastated Omagh town centre in August 1998 was the biggest single atrocity in the history of the Troubles in Northern Ireland. Twenty-nine people were killed, including nine ...
The Omagh Bombing Inquiry expects to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Government in March over the disclosure of potentially relevant material held by the State. At the conclusion of a ...
After four weeks of heartbreaking testimony about the victims and from the survivors of the 1998 Omagh bombing, the final thing to be raised last week came under the banal heading of "Housekeeping".
Sean Hoey was cleared Thursday on more than 50 charges relating to the 1998 bombing in the town of Omagh that killed 29 people and wounded more than 300 as well as other bombings and murders in ...
The single deadliest incident of the Troubles took place 21 years ago this week, when a car bomb exploded in the centre of the Northern Irish town of Omagh. The attack, carried out by the Real IRA ...
A man who survived the Omagh bomb said the attack changed his life forever. Rodney Patterson had travelled to the County Tyrone town to buy a bike and get his hair cut when the attack took place ...