In 1815, Mount Tambora ... Overall, the eruption lowered the planet's temperature by about 5 degrees Fahrenheit. The eruption ...
Narrator: In 1815, Mount Tambora erupted in Indonesia, killing an estimated 92,000 people. It was the biggest eruption in recorded history. And yet, Tambora was about one-seventh the size of the ...
Krakatoa (1883) Death toll: 36,000 The eruption cast so much dust into the atmosphere, it cooled the entire globe by an average of 2.1 ºF. Mount Tambora (1815) Death toll: 90,000 The volcano ...
The eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815 has been linked to climate change and social unrest. Such historical eruptions could serve as test cases for models used to assess future climate changes.
Just as seismologists measure the size of an earthquake using the Richter scale, volcanologists use an eruption magnitude scale called the Volcanic Explosivity Index, or VEI to classify eruptions.
Mount Tambora’s 1815 eruption triggered the “year without a summer,” causing global cooling, failed crops, famine, and cultural shifts, including Mary Shelley's inspiration for Frankenstein.