We have constructed a thermally compensated field-widened monolithic Michelson interferometer that can be used with a medium-resolution spectrograph to measure precise Doppler radial velocities of ...
DIY Michelson-Morley interferometer proves precision with Raspberry Pi and Lego. Affordable setup by Kyra Cole highlights interferometer capabilities without costly equipment. An easy-to-replicate ...
His interferometer, IMFR11GHz, answers both of those challenges. IMFR11GHz is a Michelson interferometer, in which a light source is split into two beams, which are reflected by mirrors back to ...
His interferometer, IMFR11GHz, answers both of those challenges. IMFR11GHz is a Michelson interferometer, in which a light source is split into two beams, which are reflected by mirrors back to ...