Our planet of the mind and the mouth ... self-deception and loving sentiments that would be better stuffed in a suitcase under your mattress. In mythology, Mercury was tasked with patrolling ...
The first Mercury retrograde 2025 isn't a bad thing although it challenges you to rethink who you are and how you want to show up to life.
Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, will enter retrograde. Read what a tarot reader has to say for each zodiac ...
As the name suggests, retrograde refers to when a planet appears to go ... In astrology, Mercury’s archetype is that of Hermes, who, in mythology, is named the Greek messenger of God, which ...
New Africa - stock.adobe.com While Mercury, the wily planet of communication and exchange doesn’t station retrograde until March 15th, we get a lovely little preview of its hijinks for the next ...