A passenger ferry service in the Channel Islands is resuming its service next month. Shipping company Manche Iles Express ...
"We should adapt as necessary to meet the changing needs of the community." Government official proposes new waste disposal ...
PASSENGERS will be able to book their spot on a new inter-island foot passenger ferry from tomorrow. Islands Unlimited announced last month that it was planning to run daily crossings between Jersey ...
An employee simply holding an objectionable belief is not enough to justify disciplinary action but how it is manifested can be subject to ...
GUERNSEY politicians have been accused of adopting a ‘cynical’ approach to the Channel Islands’ joint tender process for ...
A SENIOR Jersey civil servant has questioned whether Guernsey was “ever really committed” to a joint tender process to find a ...
Guernsey and Jersey's rugby clubs will come together for the first time to form a joint Channel Island team in May. Players from Guernsey Raiders and Jersey RFC will play Sweden's national team in ...
We are continuing to see Guernsey and Jersey structures being established for investment into and acquisition of ...
Both Jersey and Guernsey scored 98 out of a possible 100, putting them “up there with the worst.” The top three are the British Virgin Islands, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands, with Guernsey in ...
To make a direct call to Jersey From Guernsey, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling Jersey mobile or land line from Guernsey. To call ...
St Malo services are more than 10% cheaper than the equivalent ticket from Jersey, Guernsey Press research has uncovered.