A federal hold on funding could upend a novel approach to preventing mosquitoes from sending a number of Hawaiian bird species into extinction.
The birds are restricted to a narrow swath on the windward slopes of Haleakala. If no action is taken, the birds will reach predicted functional extinction by 2027, the report said. The move will ...
“It’s the most promising tool we have to stop extinctions of our native forest birds,” DLNR entomologist Cynthia King said. An amakihi takes a bite out of a pilo berry in Haleakala National ...
The absolute highlight of being on Maui is visiting Haleakala National Park with kids. This unique park is so completely different from Hawaii Volcanoes National Park or Mount Rainier National Park.
After seeing Maui through the eyes of a fish on a snorkeling tour, many consider getting a bird's perspective on a helicopter tour. While flying over destinations like Haleakala National Park ...