Gravitational lensing often evokes images of a cosmic funhouse mirror: duplicated galaxies, dramatic arcs and distorted ...
However, the discovery was also only possible because of a well-known concept in the world of physics: gravitational lensing. First developed as part of Albert Einstein's theory of general ...
Astronomers say they've discovered one of the most masssive black holes ever discovered in the Cosmic Horseshoe.
"They're so rare, and they're incredibly useful scientifically," said Conor O'Riordan of the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics.
“We investigated a different method of constraining anisotropy which involved so-called weak gravitational lensing,” says Adam. Weak lensing occurs because matter between us and a distant ...
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Einstein rings are examples of strong gravitational lensing, O’Riordan said, a phenomenon that acts like a magnifying glass in the universe, revealing celestial objects and light from distant ...
The process is known as gravitational lensing. “All strong lenses are special, because they’re so rare, and they’re incredibly useful scientifically. This one is particularly special ...
NGC 6505 is acting as a gravitational lens, bending light from a galaxy far behind it. The almost perfect alignment of NGC 6505 and the background galaxy has bent and magnified the light from the ...
For me, with a lifelong interest in gravitational lensing, that was amazing." The Einstein Ring, an extremely rare phenomenon, turned out to be hiding in plain sight in a galaxy not far away.
“We investigated a different method of constraining anisotropy which involved so-called weak gravitational lensing,” says Adam. Weak lensing occurs because matter between us and a distant galaxy ...