A recent study reveals that the famous Wolf-Rayet 104 "pinwheel star" holds more mystery but is even less likely to be the ...
The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), in partnership with NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), has developed ...
"The gamma-ray burst traveled through intergalactic space at the speed of light for eleven billion years, during which time the Sun and the planets were born." — Timothy Ferris, in the film ...
SVOM had already detected 78 gamma-ray bursts and around ten scientific publications are in preparation. "Gamma-ray bursts ...
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. -- An international team of astronomers has observed extremely rapid bursts of high-energy gamma rays from a distant galaxy, an observation that is challenging how astronomers ...
ESA’s Integral observed space for 22 years, uncovering gamma-ray bursts, black holes, and gravitational waves.
The Cherenkov Telescope Array just got a major boost for distributing its data, a development that will expedite scientific discovery using the observatory.
The H.E.R.M.E.S. Constellation of the Italian Space Agency (ASI).  The High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites - ...
Neutrinos are very mysterious particles,” says Damien Dornic, one of the co-authors of a new paper published February 12 in Nature that describes the detection of the decay products of an extremely ...
It's not easy to imagine how high the frequency of a high-energy gamma ray is. During the time it takes for its wave to go through one cycle, a gamma-ray wave traveling at the speed of light will ...