The 25th Dynasty originated in Nubia, in what is today Sudan, and ruled over ancient Egypt between 744 and 656 BC.
The ancient Egyptians sure loved gold, and it seems they saw human suffering as a small price to pay for the precious metal.
They divided the Roman Empire between them. Augustus took Rome, and Marc Antony took Egypt. Marc Antony fell in love with Cleopatra soon after they first met. Captivated, he decided to stay with ...
Pieces of pottery and other evidence found inside the sprawling underground tomb revealed that it belonged to Thutmose II, a ...
The ancient Egyptian civilisation thrived for over three thousand years, but what happened to that once mighty empire and its people? What was life like for the ancient Egyptians? How different ...
The killing over, the empire was theirs and they divided the spoils. Augustus kept Rome, while Antony took Egypt. There he fell under the spell of Cleopatra, Egypt’s beautiful queen. Trouble in ...
By 270 she had taken control of all of Egypt, its wealth, and the grain it supplied to Rome. Her empire looked unstoppable. A third-century bust depicts Emperor Aurelian, Zenobia’s primary ...