Where do meteorites of different type come from? In a review paper, astronomers trace the impact orbit of observed meteorite falls to several previously unidentified source regions in the asteroid ...
The latest to be discovered, catalogued as 456P/PANSTARRS (meaning that it is the 456th periodic comet known, and was discovered by the Pan-STARRS project ... the asteroid belt, for example ...
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has uncovered a hidden population of over 100 new asteroids in the main asteroid belt, located between ... “It’s a good example of what we can do when ...
“Space is incredibly, profoundly empty,” Fuls said. “We don’t even check when we send probes through the asteroid belt.” Movies depict the belt as crowded and rock-filled, when in fact ...
The study reveals that hundreds of square miles around the crater are covered with organic chemicals known as aliphatics, which are believed to have formed within the last 10 million years. The ...