Many Americans are in line to receive a refund from the IRS this tax season. Here are the best ways to put that money to use.
Tax extensions are far more common than you might realize - but there are some important things to keep in mind.
Tax planning isn’t merely about staying compliant with the law—it’s a powerful instrument for driving profitability.
As inflation makes living costs harder to afford, more than half of Americans see this year’s tax refunds as a necessity ...
The House voted to increase a state income tax exemption on withdrawals from IRAs and 401(k)s for people 65 and older.
How much does a tax cut cost? It depends what you compare it to.
Filing your taxes can be complicated and expensive, so check out these 5 free resources to get assistance with filing your ...
Brazil's government on Tuesday unveiled a long-promised plan to exempt individuals earning up to 5,000 reais ($881.27) per ...
The state sales tax on food would drop from 3% to 2% under a bill passed Tuesday by the Alabama House of Representatives. The ...
India has recommended a temporary tax of 12% on some steel products for 200 days, known locally as safeguard duty, in a bid ...
Alabama lawmakers on Tuesday advanced a series of tax cuts, including a 1% reduction on the state sales tax on food, as ...
If you make a retail purchase or eat out in Phoenix, it’s going to cost more beginning July 1. The Phoenix City Council voted ...