How many trains are there from Idgah Agra to Agra Fort? There are 10 direct trains that run between Idgah Agra and Agra Fort. The train schedules consist of 6 daily, 1 weekly and 3 triweekly trains.
Trains leaving Agra Fort arrives at Okha on next day. What is the duration of Agra Fort to Okha train journey? Journey costs ₹605 to ₹670 (SL), ₹2270 to ₹2525 (2A), ₹1620 to ₹1795 (3A), ₹370 to ₹415 ...
Agra has four main railway stations – the Agra Cantonment, Raja-ki-Mandi, Agra Fort and Idgah Agra Junction. The city is well connected by train services to all the important cities in India.
Agra has four main railway stations – the Agra Cantonment, Raja-ki-Mandi, Agra Fort and Idgah Agra Junction. The city is well connected by train services to all the important cities in India.
Enroute this train will halt at Mahesana, Palanpur, Abu Road, Marwar, Beawar, Ajmer, Jaipur, Bandikui, Bharatpur, Agra Fort, Tundla, Etawah, Kanpur Central and Unnao stations. This train comprises ...