We have their information because they were previously arrested and booked in and fingerprinted … But it’s not as if we are ...
Since taking office last month, Trump has ordered a massive crackdown on illegal immigration resulting in ICE agents making ...
As agents arrive in Chicago and other cities, elaborate operations are springing into action—aiming to hinder authorities.
Meanwhile, GOP state Reps. Michael Soter and Kenneth Sweezey introduced new legislation on Friday, titled “An Act to promote and protect safety in the Commonwealth,” that empowers local and state law ...
U.S. officials told CBS News that the Denver area is among the next targets for stepped-up immigration arrest operations by ICE.
ICE Chicago field office director Sam Olson praised the Trump administration for breaking down barriers to apprehending ...
The TV host known as "Dr. Phil" embedded with U.S. immigration enforcement officers during an operation in Chicago on Sunday, ...
Their jails in their own countries are a lot worse than here. They don’t care about being locked up here, so they should be ...
We are not all thieves, we are not murderers. We are just normal people that work their hardest to have a better life for our ...